A recent paper has caught my attention with its approach to solving a wide array of problems using something called a "regressor," powered by the advanced capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs).

This is significant because it shows that language models can outperform traditional regression models on multiple tasks if given the opportunity to train over diverse datasets.

At its core, the concept of a regressor might sound technical, but it's essentially a way to predict outcomes based on a set of inputs. Imagine trying to guess the final score of a basketball game based on past performances, or determining the likely sales numbers of a book before it hits the shelves. A regressor analyzes patterns from previous, similar situations to make these predictions as accurately as possible.

The paper, titled "[2402.14547] OmniPred: Language Models as Universal Regressors," introduces a method that elevates the use of LLMs beyond their traditional realm of understanding and generating human-like text.

Instead, it harnesses their computational power to serve as universal regressors. This means they can tackle a diverse range of prediction tasks, from forecasting weather to estimating stock market trends, all by interpreting these challenges as language-based problems.

The beauty of this approach lies in its versatility and the ability to apply a single model across numerous fields, potentially simplifying the way we predict outcomes in complex scenarios. By transforming numerical prediction tasks into language ones, this approach paves the way for a new era in predictive modelling, where the boundaries between numbers and words blur, leading to more intuitive and accessible solutions to some of today's most challenging problems.

What is a Universal Regressor?

A universal regressor, in the context of machine learning and artificial intelligence, refers to a model or algorithm capable of performing regression tasks across a wide variety of domains or problems without being limited to a specific type of data, problem setting, or domain. The term "universal" signifies its general applicability and adaptability to different kinds of regression challenges, where the goal is to predict a continuous outcome based on one or more input features.

Regression itself is a predictive modeling task that involves predicting a continuous quantity. Traditional regression models are often designed and optimized for specific types of data or problems, such as linear regression for relationships that can be modeled with a straight line or logistic regression for binary outcomes modeled as probabilities.

In contrast, a universal regressor aims to transcend these limitations by learning from diverse datasets and problem types, enabling it to adapt its predictions to new, unseen problems with minimal additional training. This concept aligns with the broader aim of creating more flexible, powerful AI systems that can generalize across tasks, a key goal in the pursuit of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

The development of universal regressors involves advanced techniques in machine learning and AI, including but not limited to:

  • Transfer Learning: Leveraging knowledge gained while solving one problem and applying it to different but related problems.
  • Meta-Learning: "Learning to learn" by designing models that can adapt to new tasks with a small amount of additional data.
  • Neural Architecture Search and AutoML: Automatically discovering the best models and configurations for any given dataset.

The OmniPred paper mentioned, which trains language models to function as universal regressors using textual representations of mathematical parameters and values, is an example of an approach to achieving universal regression capabilities. This allows for high precision in numerical regression across a variety of tasks, showcasing the potential of using advanced language models for universal regression tasks.

The Power of Performing Regression in Simple Language

The power of performing regression in simple language, particularly through the use of universal regressors like those proposed, lies in its ability to democratize and simplify complex predictive tasks.

By leveraging natural language as a medium for understanding and executing regression tasks, this approach makes advanced statistical and machine learning methodologies accessible to a broader audience, including those without a deep technical background in data science or statistics.

Here, we'll delve into the implications and benefits of this approach, illustrating its impact with examples.

Simplification of Complex Concepts


Regression analysis, at its core, involves understanding relationships between variables and using these relationships to predict outcomes. Traditionally, this requires substantial expertise in statistical methods, data preprocessing, and model selection. By translating these tasks into natural language processing challenges, universal regressors enable users to interact with and leverage complex models using intuitive descriptions and queries.


Consider a healthcare researcher without extensive coding skills wanting to predict patient recovery times based on various factors like age, treatment type, and pre-existing conditions. Instead of navigating complex statistical software, the researcher could query a universal regressor in plain language, e.g., "Predict recovery time for a 50-year-old patient with condition X receiving treatment Y." The model, trained on diverse datasets, would understand and process this request to provide an accurate prediction.

Enhanced Accessibility and Usability


Making regression tasks accessible in simple language opens up advanced analytical capabilities to non-experts. This democratizes data analysis, allowing a wider range of professionals, from business analysts to educators, to make data-driven decisions without the steep learning curve traditionally associated with regression analysis.


A small business owner aims to forecast monthly sales to manage inventory better. By using a universal regressor, they could input plain language queries about expected sales based on trends, promotional activities, and seasonal factors, receiving predictions that help in planning without needing to delve into complex modeling techniques.

Cross-Domain Adaptability


Universal regressors trained on diverse datasets can apply their predictive capabilities across domains, understanding context and nuances specific to different fields. This cross-domain adaptability means that the same model can be used for predicting stock market trends, environmental changes, or healthcare outcomes, vastly reducing the need for specialized models for each task.


An environmental scientist and a financial analyst could use the same universal regressor model to predict, respectively, the impact of deforestation on local temperatures and the effect of interest rate changes on stock prices. The model, understanding queries in natural language, adapts its predictions based on the context provided by the user.

Streamlining Data-Driven Decision-Making


By abstracting the complexities of regression analysis, universal regressors facilitate quicker, more efficient data-driven decision-making. Organizations can rapidly iterate on predictions, refine strategies, and respond to emerging trends without the bottleneck of technical analysis.


In urban planning, officials could use a universal regressor to predict the impact of new public transportation routes on traffic congestion, querying the model in plain language and quickly receiving insights that inform policy decisions.

The power of performing regression in simple language through universal regressors lies in making sophisticated predictive analytics more accessible, intuitive, and adaptable across various domains. This approach not only simplifies the user experience but also expands the potential for innovative applications of machine learning, fostering a more inclusive and data-literate society.

Possible Use Cases of Language Models as Universal Regressors

The concept of a universal regressor, where language models are trained to perform regression tasks, has the potential to revolutionize various domains by providing a flexible, generalizable solution for predictive modelling.

Below are some examples across different domains where a universal regressor could be particularly impactful:

1. Healthcare

  • Disease Prediction and Progression: A universal regressor can analyze patient data, including symptoms, genetic information, and lifestyle factors, to predict disease risk or progression. For instance, predicting the likelihood of developing diabetes or the progression of Alzheimer's disease based on early symptoms and patient history.
  • Drug Response Prediction: Predicting how different patients will respond to medications based on their genetic makeup, potentially leading to personalized medicine.

2. Finance

  • Stock Market Forecasting: Predicting future stock prices or market trends based on historical data, news articles, and economic indicators.
  • Credit Scoring: Estimating the creditworthiness of individuals by analyzing their transaction history, financial behavior, and other relevant data, thus automating loan approval processes.

3. Environmental Science

  • Climate Modeling and Forecasting: Predicting changes in climate patterns, such as temperature and precipitation, over long periods, by analyzing vast datasets of historical climate data.
  • Air Quality Prediction: Estimating future air quality in different regions by considering factors like pollution levels, weather conditions, and urban development.

4. Energy Sector

  • Renewable Energy Output Prediction: Forecasting the output of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power plants, to optimize the balance between supply and demand on the energy grid.
  • Energy Consumption Forecasting: Predicting future energy consumption patterns of buildings or communities to enhance energy efficiency and planning.

5. Retail and E-commerce

  • Sales Forecasting: Estimating future sales of products based on historical sales data, seasonal trends, and promotional activities to optimize stock levels and marketing strategies.
  • Customer Lifetime Value Prediction: Predicting the total value a customer will bring to a company throughout their relationship, aiding in customer segmentation and targeted marketing.

6. Transportation and Logistics

  • Traffic Flow Prediction: Estimating future traffic conditions on road networks to improve route planning and reduce congestion.
  • Demand Forecasting for Ride-Sharing Services: Predicting demand hotspots for ride-sharing services to optimize vehicle distribution and reduce wait times for customers.

These illustrate the broad applicability of universal regressors across various fields. By leveraging large datasets and learning from diverse examples, universal regressors can make highly accurate predictions that are crucial for decision-making processes, planning, and developing strategies tailored to future outcomes in each domain.

Small Langauge Models Regressors

The advent of specialized, open-source, small language models capable of performing general regression tasks within specific domains, and their ability to run on mobile devices, heralds a transformative shift in both business practices and personal use. This scenario unlocks myriad opportunities and implications for efficiency, accessibility, and real-time decision-making. Here, we explore these aspects in detail, illustrating how such technological advancements could reshape interactions with data and decision-making processes.

Implications for Businesses

Real-Time Decision Making

Businesses across sectors could leverage these models for instantaneous data analysis and decision support. For instance, retail managers might use a mobile app integrated with a language model to predict daily sales volume based on factors like weather, store location, and historical sales data. This real-time capability allows for dynamic inventory management and marketing strategies, adapting quickly to changing conditions.

Cost Reduction and Accessibility

Deploying small, specialized language models directly on mobile devices or in-store systems eliminates the need for extensive cloud computing resources, significantly reducing operational costs. Moreover, the open-source nature of these models fosters a collaborative environment where businesses can customize models to their needs without hefty licensing fees, making advanced analytics accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Enhanced Customer Experience

In service-oriented sectors like hospitality or healthcare, mobile devices equipped with regression-capable language models could offer personalized recommendations or diagnostics. For example, a fitness app could predict the impact of various workout regimens and diets on an individual's health metrics, offering tailored advice that enhances user engagement and satisfaction.

Implications for Personal Use

Democratization of Data Analysis

The ability to run sophisticated regression analyses on personal mobile devices democratizes data science, allowing individuals to make informed decisions based on their data. For example, a person could use a financial planning app that employs such a model to predict future expenses and savings based on their spending habits, income, and economic trends, thus facilitating better financial management.

Education and Lifelong Learning

Educational apps could incorporate these models to offer personalized learning experiences. By analyzing a student's performance over time, the app could predict areas of difficulty and adjust the curriculum accordingly, enhancing the learning process and outcomes.

Health and Wellness

With models that can predict health outcomes based on lifestyle choices, diet, exercise, and medical history, individuals have a powerful tool for preventive healthcare. For example, a health tracking app could predict the risk of developing certain conditions, encouraging proactive health management.

Broader Implications

Privacy and Data Security

Running regression models on-device mitigates some privacy concerns associated with cloud-based analytics, as sensitive data does not need to be transmitted to external servers. However, the development and deployment of these models must prioritize data security to protect users from potential breaches.

Innovation and Customization

The open-source nature of these models encourages innovation, allowing developers to tailor applications to niche markets or specific user needs. This could lead to a proliferation of highly specialized apps that serve previously underserved populations or interests.

Environmental Impact

By reducing the reliance on cloud computing and data centers for regression analysis, there's potential for a decrease in the environmental footprint associated with data processing. However, the environmental impact of manufacturing and running more powerful mobile devices capable of these computations also needs consideration.

Specialized, open-source, small language models capable of performing domain-specific regression tasks on mobile devices present an exciting leap forward in making sophisticated data analysis tools widely accessible. This democratization of technology has the potential to empower individuals and businesses alike, enabling smarter, data-driven decisions in real-time, fostering innovation, and potentially contributing to more sustainable computing practices.

Paper Summary

OmniPred introduces an interesting approach by training language models to function as universal regressors, capable of performing highly precise numerical regression across various tasks using textual representations of mathematical parameters and values, demonstrating significant improvements over traditional regression models.

Key Points

  • The paper presents OmniPred, a new framework for employing language models as universal regressors for a wide range of experimental design applications.
  • Traditional regression methods have been limited to specific tasks, whereas OmniPred aims to overcome these limitations by using language models for end-to-end regression on diverse real-world data.
  • The research leverages data from Google Vizier, one of the world's largest blackbox optimization databases, to train these models.
  • Through the textual representation of mathematical parameters and values, it's shown that language models can achieve very precise numerical regression.
  • When trained across multiple tasks, these models significantly outperform traditional regression models.

A Possible Framework for Universal Regression in Language Models

The paper introduces the concept of training language models to serve as universal regressors, focusing on the idea of using textual representations of mathematical parameters and values to perform numerical regression across diverse real-world experiments. However, it does not specify an explicit, step-by-step process or methodology for turning language models into universal regressors.

Instead, it highlights the key outcomes and the potential of this approach, demonstrating that language models, when trained on (x, y) evaluation data sourced from a wide range of experiments (in this case, data from Google Vizier), can achieve very precise numerical regression.

This is significant because it shows that language models can outperform traditional regression models on multiple tasks if given the opportunity to train over diverse datasets.

Here is a simple overview of a possible framework for turning Language Models into universal regressors.

Note this is not from the paper, but a proposed model. If you think this framework can be improved let me know - sunil@PromptEngineering.org

1. Data Preparation and Representation

  • Collect (x, y) Evaluation Data: Gather diverse datasets from real-world experiments or simulations, where (x) represents the input parameters (in a textual format) and (y) represents the numerical outcomes.
  • Textual Representation of Parameters: Convert all numerical and categorical parameters into a textual format that describes the mathematical parameters and their values.

2. Model Training/Fine-tuning

  • Select a Pre-trained Language Model: Choose a large, pre-trained language model as the base for further training. The model should have a significant capacity for understanding and generating text.
  • Fine-Tuning on Diverse Datasets: Train the model on the prepared datasets, allowing it to learn the relationship between the textual descriptions of parameters and their corresponding numerical outcomes across multiple tasks.

3. Prompt Design

  • Task-Specific Prompts: Design prompts that clearly specify the task at hand, including all relevant parameters and their textual descriptions. The prompt should guide the model to understand it as a regression problem.
  • Inclusion of Instructional Context: If necessary, include instructional context in the prompt to clarify that the expected output is a numerical value representing the prediction based on the input parameters.

4. Model Inference and Prediction

  • Generating Predictions: Use the trained model to generate predictions by providing it with new prompts containing unseen parameter combinations. The model's response should be interpreted as the predicted outcome.
  • Refinement and Iteration: Refine prompts based on initial outcomes to improve clarity and precision in model predictions.

5. Evaluation and Optimization

  • Performance Evaluation: Assess the model's performance using standard regression metrics such as RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), MAE (Mean Absolute Error), or R-squared values, comparing against baseline traditional regression models.
  • Cross-Task Generalization: Evaluate the model's ability to generalize across different tasks and datasets, highlighting its universal applicability as a regressor.

6. Continuous Learning

  • Iterative Feedback Loop: Incorporate feedback from model predictions to refine both the data representation and prompt design, aiming for continuous improvement in prediction accuracy and generalization capabilities.

Implementation Considerations

  • Scalability: Ensure that the framework is scalable to accommodate large datasets and complex regression tasks.
  • Model Selection: Consider the computational cost and the specific capabilities of different language models when selecting the base model for fine-tuning.
  • Ethical Considerations: Address any ethical concerns related to the deployment of AI in predictive modeling, including transparency, fairness, and privacy issues.

Scenario: Predicting Building Energy Efficiency

Let's illustrate the proposed prompt engineering framework using an example from a hypothetical scenario where we aim to predict the energy efficiency of buildings based on several parameters.

This example will involve preparing the dataset, training the model (conceptually, since we cannot train a model here), designing prompts, and interpreting the model's predictions.

1. Data Preparation and Representation

  • Dataset: Assume we have a dataset with buildings' features such as insulation quality, window type, and square footage, alongside their energy efficiency rating (a numerical value).
  • Textual Representation: Convert features into a textual description. For instance, "A building with high-quality insulation, double-glazed windows, and 1500 square feet of space."

2. Model Training (Conceptual)

  • Choose a language model like GPT (a conceptual step here, as the actual training is not feasible in this setup).
  • Fine-tune this model on the dataset where each entry is a prompt composed of the building features in text form followed by the energy efficiency rating.

3. Basic Prompt Design

To predict the energy efficiency of a new building, design a prompt that describes the building's features in text, following the format used during training. For instance:

  • Prompt: "Predict the energy efficiency rating for a building with the following features: medium-quality insulation, single-glazed windows, and 1000 square feet of space. Provide a numerical rating based on your understanding of similar buildings."

4. Model Inference and Prediction (Simulation)

  • Simulated Response: Given the constraints of this scenario, imagine ChatGPT has been fine-tuned and responds with, "Based on the described features, the predicted energy efficiency rating is approximately 68 out of 100."

5. Evaluation and Optimization (Conceptual)

  • Compare the model's predictions with actual ratings to evaluate accuracy.
  • Refine the training dataset and prompt design based on discrepancies or areas for improvement.

Example in Action

Now, let's simulate a complete interaction based on the above steps. This interaction is fabricated for illustration purposes, as it assumes ChatGPT has been specifically trained on the building energy efficiency dataset, which is not the case in reality.

User: "I have a building with top-notch insulation, triple-glazed windows, and 2000 square feet of space. What's its energy efficiency rating?"

GPT (Simulated Fine-Tuned Response): "Given the high-quality features of the building, especially the top-notch insulation and triple-glazed windows for a 2000 square foot space, the predicted energy efficiency rating would be approximately 85 out of 100."

This simulated interaction demonstrates how the framework could be applied, with the model leveraging its training on textual representations of parameters to provide numerical predictions for specific queries.

The concept of using language models as universal regressors will be a monumental shift in how we approach and implement regression analysis across multiple domains. It seems a natural progression in the way we use or want to use Language Models, small or large.

By enabling the performance of regression tasks through simple language, it democratizes advanced data analysis, allowing individuals without specialized statistical training to leverage powerful predictive capabilities.

From healthcare to finance, and environmental science to retail, the applications of universal regressors promise to enhance decision-making, streamline operations, and foster a culture of data-driven insights across various fields.

Imagine the potential to transform complex data relationships into actionable predictions through straightforward queries. This approach not only simplifies the analytical process but also encourages a broader adoption of data science techniques, making it possible for a wider audience to engage with and benefit from the insights hidden within their data.

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