Learn when to apply conversational versus structured prompting techniques to optimize interactions with large language AI models. Discover how to blend approaches, maximizing creative explorations and personalized results.
Ask Me Anything (AMA) Prompting is a novel strategy that aggregates responses from multiple prompts to enhance conversational AI. This simple approach significantly boosts model accuracy without additional training.
Plan-and-Solve Plus (PS+): A novel prompting framework for enhanced LLM reasoning. Discover powerful techniques like detailed instructions, self-consistency evaluation, and error analysis to empower your models in zero-shot learning.
A 15-step methodology for crafting optimized AI prompts that tap into the full potential of AI systems. The process aims to maximize relevance, consistency and quality of outputs.
The dice don't lie - but they also don't tell the whole story of AI. Peel back the layers of the dice analogy to understand how prompts shape possibilities within AI's parameters.